Regulatory press release
Tele2 Group
Dec 14 2005, 6:35 PM CET
Stockholm – Tele2 AB, (“Tele2”), (Stockholmsbörsen: TEL2A and TEL2B), the leading alternative pan-European telecommunications company, today announces that the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal has ruled in proceedings filed on behalf of Versatel shareholders Centaurus Capital, Amber Fund, Barclays Capital and certain others, that Versatel may not proceed with the proposed amendment to its corporate governance policies at its extraordinary general meeting of shareholders scheduled for tomorrow, 15 December 2005. In addition, the Enterprise Chamber has ruled that it will appoint three independent members to Versatel’s supervisory board, who will have exclusive powers to deal with material arrangements to be concluded between Versatel and Tele2. In view of this decision, Mr De Bakker who was nominated for appointment to the supervisory board at tomorrow’s shareholders meeting, sees no meaningful purpose to act on Versatel’s supervisory board and has therefore withdrawn his candidacy.
In view of these matters, at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders scheduled for tomorrow, 15 December 2005, Versatel will withdraw the proposed resolutions to amend its corporate governance policy and to appoint Mr De Bakker as member of the supervisory board.CONTACTSLars-Johan Jarnheimer, Telephone: + 46 8 562 640 00President and CEO, Tele2 ABHåkan Zadler, Telephone: + 46 8 562 640 00CFO, Tele2 ABDwayne Taylor, Telephone: + 44 20 7321 5038Lena Krauss, Telephone: + 46 8 562 000 45 Investor enquiriesVisit us at our homepage: