sustainability net impact
Tele2 firmly believes in the importance of supporting new research and technology and being fearless in finding new applications as research and technology develops. As a member of the Net Positive Consortium, Tele2 has been part of a research group of leading companies, investors, and public sector organizations that map the net impact of businesses in Europe.
The Net Positive Consortium
The research consortium, run by the Upright Project, quantifies the sustainability net impact of more than 14,000 listed and private companies. The purpose is to lift discussion around sustainability impact among investors and key stakeholders and incentivize companies to optimize their impact through a rigorous and comparable assessment. Based on a research database containing over 200 million research papers, the impact of a company is attributed to the products and services that the company provides, both upstream and downstream of the value chain.
Upright’s impact model is based on 19 impact categories, where a company’s impact can be both positive and negative, across the following four dimensions:
- Jobs
- Taxes
- Societal infrastructure
- Equality & human rights
- Societal stability
- Knowledge infrastructure
- Creating knowledge
- Distributing knowledge
- Scarce human capital
- Physical diseases
- Mental diseases
- Nutrition
- Relationships
- Meaning & joy
- GHG emissions
- Non-GHG emissions
- Scarce natural resources
- Biodiversity
- Waste
A positive net impact of our business
Based on Upright’s assessment, Tele2 has a positive net impact ratio on sustainability of our business of +52%.
- In terms of contribution to society, Tele2 has a positive impact through job creation and tax income. In our value chain, we also have a positive impact by providing social stability and societal infrastructure.
- For knowledge, Tele2 uses scarce human capital to enable knowledge infrastructure and the creation and distribution of knowledge, resulting in a net positive impact in this dimension.
- When it comes to health, using connected devices can lead to a more sedentary lifestyle, however the activities associated with this, e.g., watching TV, bring meaning and joy to users. Connected devices are also an important tool for communication to maintain relationships, which also contributes to our health, resulting in a net positive impact in this dimension.
- Finally in the environmental dimension, the model only measures direct environmental impact, and does not take into account the emissions avoided from the use of our products and services as outlined by the GSMA in their report “The Enablement Effect”.