Press release
Tele2 Group
Jun 08 2007, 1:12 PM CET
Success for Tele2 in Court of Appeal
The Svea Court of Appeal has today ruled on two cases involving TeliaSonera and Tele2 Sweden. The outcomes of the two cases will not have any impact on profits and represent a success for Tele2 Sweden. The cases relate to interconnection charges which the telecom operators pay to send traffic to each other's networks. The Court of Appeal's rulings means that Tele2 Sweden's offset claims have been approved.
The dispute concerns claims that TeliaSonera has against Tele2 Sweden for termination charges in TeliaSonera's network and whether Tele2 Sweden is to be allowed to offset counterclaims against TeliaSonera.
The Stockholm District Court rejected Tele2 Sweden's offset claim in two judgments on 2 May 2006 and established that Tele2 Sweden was obliged to pay to TeliaSonera approximately SEK 1 billion plus interest. The District Court further obliged Tele2 Sweden to in full compensate TeliaSonera for its court costs.
The Court of Appeal's rulings means that Tele2 Sweden is allowed to offset counterclaims. This means that Tele2 Sweden in the first case has a claim against TeliaSonera of at least SEK 50 million and in the other case a liability of at most SEK 400 million to TeliaSonera. As well as the cases in question, Tele2 Sweden and TeliaSonera have a number of other ongoing court proceedings relating to interconnection charges. Tele2 Sweden anticipates that TeliaSonera overall will be a net payer to Tele2 Sweden in the disputes between the companies on interconnection. The Court of Appeal rulings today will not have any impact on profits.
The Court of Appeal's rulings means that TeliaSonera in one case is obliged to in full compensate Tele2 Sweden's court costs and in the other case Tele2 Sweden is obliged to pay one third of TeliaSonera's court costs.
"The Court of Appeal's rulings represents a success for Tele2 Sweden. This is an outcome that is clearly better for us than last year's district court rulings", says Niclas Palmstierna, CEO of Tele2 Sweden.
For further information, please contact:
Niclas Palmstierna, CEO Tele2 Sweden, Telephone. +46 8-56264000
Göran Bergström, CFO Tele2 Sweden, Telephone. +46 8-56264000
Lars Torstensson, Investor Inquiries, Telephone+ 46 8-56200042