Mar 28, 2010 6:00 PM CET
Take a look around
Welcome to our corporate website. I hope you have had a chance to take a look around. We are convinced that our brand new will be one of our main channels to communicate interactively with you and other people that are interested in Tele2, as customers, future business partners or employees.
At this particular part of the new site we would like to share with you, as we always have done, Tele2s latest financials. But at the same time we would like to give a more personal touch to it through this blog. It will mean additional flavour to how our operations are performing on a regular basis as a complement to the hard numbers. Hopefully this will make you revisit us and from time to time give your feed-back on what we as an organization does well and not so good.
However, it is not just one new Tele2 website that we present to you today. It is two. For the first time in Tele2’s history, the Annual Report will not be printed. Instead, we have created a dedicated homepage that will guide you through what we accomplished in 2009. So do not hesitate, after you are done exploring, to prolong the experience by entering
Looking forward to interact with you,
Lars Torstensson