Jun 25, 2014 11:24 AM CET
Caring for our ESG investors – the 2014 Tele2 CR Day
On the 10th of June, the office in Kista was full of analysts, investors and NGOs wanting to hear more about and discuss Tele2’s work within Corporate Responsibility.
Last year Tele2 was the first company to host a Capital Markets day focusing on Corporate Responsibility. This year we did it again, but in a slightly different format.
The event started out with opening presentations where Mia Brunell Livfors shared her view on CR from a Board perspective. Karan Partovi, from Nordea’s ESG team, who joined us on site in Kazakhstan in early April, talked about that experience. Nordea was the first ESG investor to come and see us in Kazakhstan and we appreciate their feedback as active owners, something that is helping us to improve. The day was concluded by Allison Kirkby, Group CFO, who presented her view on CR and how she will take it forward in her work.
The event also had different stations that the guests rotated between. Niklas Sonkin, Executive Vice President for Central Europe and Eurasia, discussed our business in Kazakhstan at one station. At the next stop Rami Avidan, Head of Tele2 M2M Global Solutions, spoke about the mobile future. Ann-Marie Löfgren, Chief Purchasing Officer, also had one station where she presented our Business Partners Code of Conduct. Jonas Lindström, Director of Group Security, was at the last station discussing lawful interception and how we fight child pornography.
Marie Baumgarts, head of Corporate Responsibility, arranged the day and comments:
“It was a really successful day and it was a good call to have stations with smaller groups. This enabled dialogues and I am happy that the guests had so many questions and were so interested in our CR-work. We can be proud over our work within CR and it is essential to create opportunities were we can present it to external parties”
Marie Baumgarts interviewing Karan Partovi from Nordea
Ann-Marie Löfgren presenting our Business Partners Code of Conduct
Allison Kirkby presented her view on CR
Marie Baumgarts interviewing Mia Brunell Livfors