Apr 1, 2016 8:50 AM CET
Tele2 on breaking the language barrier
Lars Torstensson, Tele2’s EVP Strategy and New Growth, brought the news together with Microsoft EVP, Harry Shum. The venue is //Build 2016, California, where developers showcase new applications. Tele2 is present to showcase the latest innovation in added customer value – an instant speech-to-speech translator integrated in the call.
‘‘Imagine being able to speak hundreds of languages. In effect, this is what our product will do for people,’’ says Lars Torstensson. So, pick up your phone and book a hotel in Arabic or Chinese, or have an instant phone meeting with your colleague in Chile.
”There are a wide range of uses for this product, and ultimately we will let our customers decide how they want to use it. However, we see some customer groups with an immidiate need. The refugees in Europe, for example, who are trying to rebuild their lives and get in contact with the authorities etc.” adds Lars Torstensson, continuing, ‘’Not forgetting our own customer support team, who will now be able to answer questions in a variety of languages.’’
Watch the presentation here:
See the full session or scroll down to the "Give Your Apps a Human Side" track.