Tele2: The Nomination Committee proposes the election of Georgi Ganev as new Chairman of the Board
Georgi Ganev has been a Director of the Board of Tele2 since 2016. At the Annual General Meeting 2018, he will succeed Mike Parton, who, along with Irina Hemmers, has informed the Nomination Committee of their intention not to stand for re-election.
Cristina Stenbeck, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, said:
“The Nomination Committee is pleased to propose the election of Georgi Ganev as new Chairman of Tele2. In Georgi, Tele2 will have a Chairman with solid experience from the Nordic TMT sector, and a keen appreciation of the company’s future opportunities.”
Cristina Stenbeck continued:
“On behalf of the Nomination Committee, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Mike Parton for his significant contribution during a successful eleven-year tenure on the Tele2 Board, and to Irina Hemmers who have brought valuable perspectives to the Board’s discussions since her election in 2014.”
Mike Parton said:
“As I have been a Board member for eleven years, eight as Chairman, and the company’s performance is going from strength to strength, the Nomination Committee and I feel now is the appropriate time for me to step down. It has been a great pleasure to work with this wonderful company and all of the amazing people who work for it and I give them my best wishes for an even more successful future.”
Georgi Ganev will assume the role as CEO of Kinnevik on 1 January 2018. Georgi joins Kinnevik from Dustin where he has served as CEO since 2012. He has served as a Board Director of Tele2 since 2016. Prior to joining Dustin, Georgi was CMO at Telenor Sweden during 2010-2012 and CEO of Bredbandsbolaget during 2007-2010. Between 2002 and 2007, Georgi worked within the Kinnevik Group as Sales & Marketing Director and Product Manager at Tele2. Georgi holds a MSc in Engineering in Information Technology from Uppsala University.
The Nomination Committee’s complete proposals will be announced in due course ahead of Tele2’s Annual General Meeting 2018. The Nomination Committee comprises Cristina Stenbeck appointed by Kinnevik, John Hernander appointed by Nordea Funds, Martin Wallin appointed by Lannebo Funds, and Mike Parton as Chairman of the Board. The three shareholder representatives on the Nomination Committee jointly represent approximately 52 percent of the votes in Tele2.
For more information, please contact:
Angelica Gustafsson, Head of Public Relations, Tele2 AB, Phone: +46 704 26 41 42
Erik Strandin Pers, Head of Investor Relations, Tele2 AB, Phone: +46 733 41 41 88
The information is of such character, which Tele2 AB (publ) shall disclose in accordance with the Securities Market Act (2007:528) and/or the law on Trading with Financial Instruments (1991:980). The information was distributed for disclosure at 20:00 CET on 16 December 2017.
TELE2’S MISSION IS TO FEARLESSLY LIBERATE PEOPLE TO LIVE A MORE CONNECTED LIFE. We believe the connected life is a better life, and so our aim is to make connectivity increasingly accessible to our customers, no matter where or when they need it. Ever since Jan Stenbeck founded the company in 1993, it has been a tough challenger to the former government monopolies and other established providers. Tele2 offers mobile services, fixed broadband and telephony, data network services, content services and global IoT solutions. Every day our 17 million customers across 8 countries enjoy a fast and wireless experience through our award winning networks. Tele2 has been listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm since 1996. In 2016, Tele2 had net sales of SEK 28 billion and reported an operating profit (EBITDA) of SEK 5.3 billion. For definitions of measures, please see the last pages of the Annual Report 2016. Follow @Tele2group on Twitter for the latest updates.