Incentive program 2018-2021
The Annual General Meeting on May 21, 2018, decided to adopt a performance based incentive program to include in total approximately 225 senior executives and other key employees within the Tele2 Group.
The participants in the program are required to own shares in Tele2. These shares can be shares already held or shares purchased on the market in connection with the notification to participate in the program. Thereafter, the participants will be granted, by the company free of charge, retention rights and performance rights depending on the fulfillment of certain stipulated goals. The program is estimated to comprise up to 373,000 Tele2 shares held by the participants entitling to allotment of up to 1,709,500 right whereof 373,000 retention rights and 1,336,500 performance rights.
Read more about the long term incentive program in the notice to the AGM