Meet Linnea
Linnea Andersson, Executive CTO Trainee
How did you learn about the Tele2 Executive trainee program?
I first heard of the Trainee program from a girl I know who was a Trainee at Tele2 a few years ago, and I have had my eyes on the program since then.
What made you decide to apply for the trainee program?
I had my aim set on being part of a Trainee program, and I thought that the Tele2 program really stood out from other similar programs. I mean, how many get the chance to learn from and closely work together with a top level executive the first thing they do after graduating?
What made Tele2 stand out from other employers?
I early felt that Tele2 had a challenger attitude and culture, which felt super inspiring. Furthermore, I got a very good impression of Tele2 during the recruitment period, it was clear that the company really invested in the Trainee program and was engaged in finding the right candidates for the job.
What did you do before you entered the trainee program?
I graduated from Chalmers University of Technology in June where I have a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management. During my years at university I was very involved in the student life, did two exchange semesters in Taiwan and studied at UC Berkeley during a summer. Apart from that, I have done an internship at Nike and worked as a Customer Support Agent at Telia (.. before I realized which Telco that is actually the best one!).
What surprised you the most when you started?
I was really surprised how fast I got included in different projects and got trusted to take on responsibilities on my own.
How does your work at Tele2 challenge you?
During my third week at Tele2, my executive asked me if I wanted to take lead in a project. After that, I have been working outside of my comfort zone several times. However, there are always people there to support you when you need it!
Describe a typical day at work?
I usually start the day with catching up on e-mails and after that my days can look very differently. However, most days involve following my executive to meetings, participate in meetings for different projects and preparing material in Excel or PowerPoint. One day I even got to followed a Field Service Technician all over Stockholm to get an introduction to our network structure – so the days definitely vary a lot!
How does Tele2 support your development?
I get a lot of support from my executive who is very helpful and always takes time to answer my several questions. In addition to that, I have appreciated the one day training sessions we have had in PowerPoint and Excel, and I really look forward to the trainings we will have in presentation skills and storytelling!
What are your hobbies or passions outside of work?
I really enjoy kayaking and tour skating. I am also a true podcast addict and I never leave my apartment without headphones!
Best experience at Tele2 so far:
It’s hard to mention one. But one of the most exciting experiences so far has been to participate in strategic 5G meetings with my executive, our CEO and a bunch of other managers. It is very interesting to see how decisions, strategy and discussions take place at that level!
What is your best career advice for students who are about to start their careers?
It can be easy to get overly influenced by people in your class or close surrounding. Therefore, I think it is important to pause and reflect on what it is that you really want and what motivates you. Also, dare to ask the questions!

It's important to pause and reflect on what it is that you really want and what motivates you.
- Linnea Andersson
Contact Linnea